Keep Your Fire Burning

The New Testament church was marked with a fiery passion, fearless faith, and a holy boldness! Those early believers were literally known as people who did great exploits for God and turned the world upside down! All of this in the midst of extreme persecution for their faith. When we first surrendered our lives to the Lord, we burnt with a fiery passion and zeal for Him too! For some, however, that zeal can grow cold as our attention is drawn away from our love for Jesus and His word. It’s easy to start strong but it’s how we finish that really matters. How do we know our fire is waning?  We become timid in our sharing with others about the Lord and what He has and is doing in our lives, where normally we would be bold. Very soon religion replaces relationship and the spontaneous out-flow of God’s influence on our hearts. When the fire of God burns strong in us, we are not timid or worried about our own reputations, because we live to please the Lord and burn to see others touched by His love. The fire of God purges us, protects us and empowers us for God’s work. We can’t say we are on fire if we don’t share the gospel that has snatched us from the kingdom of darkness and given us life and purpose! So stir up that fire that God placed inside you. Remain in the word, give more time and attention to messages that stir up faith and passion for God than anything the world offers you. Jesus is returning for His bride that is ready and expectant for Him – so don’t fall asleep! Keep your fire burning!