Keep Your Focus

Moses was able to leave his disappointing past behind him and keep moving forward toward God’s perfect assignment on his life because he chose to remain focused on the Presence of God. The Bible says Moses was not moved by the distraction of Pharaohs rage, or the threats against his life because “…he kept his eyes on the One who is invisible…” He had an unwavering focus in the midst of a high-pressure situation! Whatever we focus on determines what will increase in our lives.

When we remain focused on Jesus, not only will we not be distracted by the pressure and opinions of the world around us, but we will be empowered to do significant, supernatural exploits for the Kingdom of God!  It’s when we’re distracted from the Presence of God that we begin to do things in the flesh and are no longer following the leading of the Spirit.

As you fix your focus on the Living Word of God, and pursue His Presence today, you’ll step right into His perfect will and extraordinary plan for your life.  And as you keep your eyes on the Lord, like Moses did, you’ll move forward in faith, leaving the threats of the enemy dead in the dust, and boldly represent the Lord before the nations.