Know Him

The life of a believer is to be a life of impact, because of the Greater One who dwells within us. We aren’t called to conform to what’s taking place in the world; instead we are anointed to bring about a transformation through the power of God that rests on us and resides inside us. We are the ones that carry the solution to every problem – the Presence of God! This is the way we need to begin to see ourselves because this is how God sees us.

The key ingredient for dynamic impact, supernatural strength and exploits for the Kingdom is knowing God. The Word “know” in the original Hebrew is the word “yada”. This is the same word used in Genesis 4 when the Bible says that Adam knew Eve. It speaks of intimately knowing someone through personal experience, and not just knowing of them. It’s the people that intimately know God that is empowered for strength and exploits.

The factors that cultivate intimacy with God in the life of a believer are devotion to dwelling in His Presence through the Word, worship, and prayer. The Bible promises that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. So step out today and choose to get to know your God and you will see Him do great things through you!