Know Wisdom

God knows what to do when you don’t and He knows what’s best for you. Whenever we come to a place of uncertainty the word tells us God’s wisdom is the principle thing, and must be sought after as our priority. And when we don’t know what to pray for, wisdom says, “pray in the Spirit” (Romans 8:26). The Person of the Holy Spirit will begin to pray God’s perfect will through our own spirits and reveal His perspective to us, so we can understand what needs to be done.

Even when we don’t know the exact details, God sets the direction, and we direct our faith accordingly. Understanding that the wisdom we seek is wrapped up in the Person of Jesus Christ, whom we have a relationship with, stirs up a joyful victory on the inside of us. The book of James invites us to always ask for and rely on the wisdom of God because He gives it freely, without holding back! His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light on our path, always leading us into truth and victory.

We can live in wisdom, just as we live in the Person of Jesus, and begin to see things through His eyes, having His perspective. God knows what’s best, and as you follow His directives you will enjoy good success – bringing glory to Him every time!