Known by The Company You Keep

Peter and John encountered a lame man asking for money at the temple gate. They immediately recognized his real need was more than a handout. They understood money would bring temporary relief, but they carried the solution to his altogether freedom from lack.

Through the power of the Name of Jesus, the man was healed and could instantly walk. His life was transformed by their bold faith. This caused the religious leaders to focus intently on Peter and John, since they knew them as ordinary men, with no formal training. It was clear as day that just by spending time with Jesus, they were transformed from being timid, ordinary men – into bold, courageous witnesses for Christ. They went from being insignificant to men marked by the glory of God. Spend time in the Presence of God – in His Word and in prayer.

Choose your close circle of friends with wisdom – spending time with those who have hearts after God and live for the advancement of His Kingdom. Before long, you too will be identified as one of those who are bold in faith and ready to exercise the love and power of God. You will be known by the One you spend quality time with.