
It’s critically important for us to know and take full advantage of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Without Him, we will always be limited to our own human wisdom and insight. In John 16:13, Jesus explained how the Holy Spirit is the Truth-giving Spirit, Who will guide us into the full Truth we cannot attain by ourselves. That’s because He tells us whatever He hears from the Father. He is our direct link to God’s heart and wisdom! Jesus also said the Holy Spirit will tell us things that will happen in the future, so we can be prepared. With Him actively working in our lives, all things are possible! That’s because He is with us and in us. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us; He never speaks of His Own or glorifies Himself, He always glorifies Jesus and makes Him real to us. Having a living, loving relationship with Him is more satisfying than anything we will ever experience in life. It is nothing less than miraculous. The love and power that flows freely from Him to us create opportunities that are simply limitless.