Live Full

What could be greater than God the Father, and His Son making their home in us through the Person of the Holy Spirit? As we open our hearts to Him, the Spirit of God pours His unconquerable love into us, causing it to overflow so people can recognise Him in us. Can you imagine people looking at you and seeing more of God’s beautiful nature, than anything else?

Our spirits possess everything that belongs to God. If we truly had a revelation of this, we would stop striving for what we already have in Christ. The Word promises we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness; that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing; and that we are co-heirs with Christ. It even says we have the mind of Christ, and know the intents of His heart. These things become our reality when we love Him, and keep His Word.

Embracing God in His Word not only sets us free, it keeps us free to know Him and reflect all He has already given us. Let the world recognise Jesus in you, as you live full in Him