Live in Your Promise
The Bible says every recorded promise is “Yes, and Amen” to those who believe. If God’s Word says we can have it, then we can stand in faith and believe for it to become our reality. Faith is what brings the things promised us, from the unseen, spiritual realm, into our natural reality.
It’s that same faith that rose up in your heart when you accepted Jesus, an unseen Saviour, to become your Lord. You didn’t physically see Him, but you believed in Him with all your heart, and you received Him. Hebrews 11:6 teaches us that this kind of faith is what pleases God. In fact, as children of God, we are expected to live our lives by faith (Romans 1:17).
Take a look at Abraham; He walked in the reality of what God promised Him because he believed and obeyed God! God has given us a Bible full of promises, expecting us to believe for them, and live in them. Today, make the choice to trust and believe God, and live by faith! Every promise is an inheritance you are supposed to enjoy.