Live Out of Your Spirit

We all want to know the will of God for our lives. This scripture reveals it in just three instructions that will cause us to walk in the centre of God’s will, releasing His favour and leading us into victory each day. Firstly, we are to choose joyalways! Remember we have the Holy Spirit living inside us and joy is His character. Even if our flesh is feeling the opposite…become aware of the truth that joy is always within our reach.

Secondly, we are to pray unceasingly! Since we have an inseparable connection with the Lord, being constantly aware of His ever-present attention on us is a welcome invitation to acknowledge Him in every detail of our day. It’s not just His job to lead us, the Holy Spirit desires to be our comfort and guide us in all things. Thirdly, thanksgiving must line and overshadow everything we say or do. Words that flow from a thankful heart keep our prayers in the correct context and on target. That’s because they keep us focused on the Lord!

Our thankfulness keeps our prayers all about Him and engages us in speaking His will for every situation with supernatural precision. The key to doing this is refusing to live and respond to situations from our flesh, and determining to live and respond from our spirits! This is where righteousness, peace and joy abound – leading us into God’s perfect will of favour and abundance in our lives.