Live to Please Him

In the beginning, was the Word as John 1:1 clearly states. It says The Word became flesh and dwelt among man. In other words, Jesus was The Word made flesh. The Bible says that when He came to earth, although He remained God, possessing all the attributes that make God God; He emptied, or stripped Himself of the privileges and rights of being God (Philippians 2:5-7). This deliberate act of true humility caused Jesus to experience everything we do. He was not exempt from experiencing the full human nature, but He never allowed His flesh nature to override His spirit, and defer Him from His assignment. Through everything He had to endure, He kept Himself dependant on the strength of the Holy Spirit and maintained an inseparable connection with His Father. He continuously sought His Father’s will and only did what His Father told Him to do (John 5:19,30). This is the greatest example for us as believers. The Lord Jesus always subjected Himself to the obedience of His Father’s voice! At the point of our salvation, the Spirit of Christ came to posses our own spirits, and made us alive in Him. He empowers us to live the same way Jesus did when He was here as a man. We are able to hear His voice and know the Father’s will at all times, in all things. When we make a moment by moment decision, like Jesus did, to ignore our flesh and yield to and obey God’s voice instead, we live a life that is pleasing to God! This is something we don’t do in our own strength – but through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit! (Philippians 2:13). Living a life filled with faith that is well pleasing to God is fully obtainable when we choose to walk each day in the Spirit! You can live to please the Father in all things today!