Look Again!

The nation of Israel was suffering under a severe drought in the land when Elijah instructed King Ahab to go and look for the sign of the coming rain. Ahab returned with a dismal report, seven times in a row. After each negative report, Elijah told him to go back and look again, until he saw a change. Just the same, when the Word of God has promised us something, and we have been careful to obey the conditions of that promise, no matter what the report in the natural – we must refuse to quit believing until we see the report match the promise of God.

Elijah knew for certain in his spirit that it would rain, unlike King Ahab, who was relying on his natural senses to see a change. This is what it means to exercise our faith: we must be fully convinced that God’s Word is true in our spirits, even before our natural senses see it. Elijah could have hesitated in his faith each time he heard the negative report, but he never did! He was exercising his faith – just as Abraham did when he believed God’s promise for a son when it was impossible in the natural.

The bible says this kind of believing is counted to us as righteousness! And the righteous will never be forsaken, because the Lord will deliver them from ALL trouble. It’s time to be like Abraham and Elijah, who did not waver, but were fully persuaded in their faith. Even if it means rejecting those negative reports seven times – have faith in God! He is the Way Maker and Promise Keeper – Who always honours His Word concerning us.