Mercy and Grace

Mercy is an extension and expression of God’s love; an act of His kindness, compassion, and favour. Grace is God’s willingness to treat us as though we have never sinned; it’s also His glorious empowerment in us to do what is beyond our natural ability.

In 1 Corinthians 15:10, Paul says God’s grace empowered him to accomplish all he ever did for the kingdom. As believers, in order to live an effective, victorious life – free from condemnation and fear – we need these power twins working inside us. We become unstuck by the mistakes of our past when we have a revelation of God’s mercy for us, and His grace to move forward confidently in victory. Grace and mercy provide the platform for powerful, effective prayer; and the ability to receive and live by the truth of God’s Word.

Welcome a fresh flow of God’s grace and mercy today. Let it influence your heart and be reflected throughout your life. Remember, you are free to forgive and love others to the extent you have been loved and forgiven by God’s mercy and grace to you.