Never Changing

The Bible says Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father – far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, or title that can be granted (Ephesians 1:21).

He is seated there for the benefit of His Church here on earth! It’s a benefit of great power and authority for us to operate in, enabling us to walk in His fullness and to stand up boldly against any attack of the enemy. Just as He did His Father’s will and spoke His Father’s words – representing Him and His kingdom way of living here on earth through the power of the Holy Spirit – He has made a way for us to do the same.

His plan has never wavered or changed. His deep love and compassion for mankind to be reconciled to Himself and restored to fullness of life and victory over the devil, remains and is completely attainable through the victory of the cross. The resurrected Jesus is our sure foundation, our constant truth and the solid rock we can build our lives upon. He is truth and He will never fail or change. We can confidently place all of our hope, trust and life in Him who never changes!

As you decide to root yourself in Him – have His Word planted in your heart and live in partnership with His Holy Spirit – you will enjoy the surety of knowing Him; His perfect will; and live out His never-changing, glorious purpose for your life.