Never Forsaken

There is nothing compared to being a child of God, and having His Spirit continuously breathe supernatural life into us. How do we tangibly experience His life, love, and power flowing in and through us? We do it by faith.

The more we expose ourselves to the truth of God’s Word, faith arises within us. It builds in us a confident awareness of who God is, and who we are in Him. As His Holy Spirit sheds light on the truth we read, He makes it alive in our hearts; and when we embrace it as our own, by believing it, it begins transforming the way we think, speak, and act.

God’s Word actually changes us from the inside out. It’s a very real, very tangible experience – God at work inside us. And the joy and peace this process brings, is incomparable to anything this world can offer! We begin to understand that by knowing God this way, lack is never going to be our portion. We will always walk overshadowed by His goodness, and under-girded by His peace, regardless of seasons or external circumstances. We will always be taken care of by our faithful Heavenly Father, who is true to His Word as we walk in it.