Never Too Far Gone

Luke 15 tells the story of a young man who was determined to have his share of the inheritance before it was due him. On receiving it, he left his father’s house in pursuit of a life he thought to be better than the one he had. The excitement of city life and money in his pocket drew him far from the protective household he grew up in.

Not long after, all the money was lost, along with the friends it drew. The young man longed for the stability of his family home and the unconditional love he received there. Before long he found himself hitting rock bottom – working and living amongst pigs. He finally scraped together the courage to return home, not sure of how his father would react after having treated his family with such disregard. When the father saw his son coming in the distance, he ran towards him and embraced him with compassion, even before the young man revealed his contrite heart.

Just the same, God the Father lavishes His love on us, even when we are undeserving. Psalm 145:8 says God is tender-hearted to those least deserving and patient with those who fail Him. His love is like a river overflowing its banks with kindness. If you have ever felt too far gone from the Lord, allow His undeserving love to saturate your heart today.