No Fainting in Your Mind

We live in a time where no matter where in the world you are, there is trouble all around.  Isaiah 60:2 is a prophetic verse referring to the days we are currently living in. It says darkness will cover the earth, and dense darkness the people. Just like the days of Noah, before the flood – society at large has completely lost its moral compass.  It has ruled out the integrity and relevance of God’s Word. Most concerning is how many Christians, who are making a stand for the truth, and what is right by the Word’s standards, are being openly persecuted. In parts of what is known as the “free world”, pastors are either heavily fined, or imprisoned for preaching God’s unadulterated truth, or refusing to compromise on their Bible based convictions.  As we are nearing the forced world-wide economic collapse to usher in the new world order – setting the stage for the anti-Christ, there is extreme financial pressure on all people, everywhere.  The Bible speaks of the times we are living in as the birth pains before the tribulation, where there are wars, rumours of wars, famines, earthquakes, pandemics or plagues and persecution.  Moral decay, great deception, and the love of many growing cold as they fall away from the faith.  What does the Bible say we are to do when faced with trials and challenges on every side? Hebrews 12:3 says we are to look up and consider Jesus! Because of the finished work of the cross we have been given everything we need to overcome every challenge as we fix our attention on Him and His Word. John 14:1 says, “DO NOT let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me.”. We are to look to Jesus and the victory we have in Him right now! He is the author and finisher of our faith. When we take our eyes off the trouble that surrounds us and place it on the truth of His Word, we will become moved by the thoughts of God instead of being moved by the circumstances around us. Don’t be anxious or faint in your mind, but trust in your covenant God as you refuse to compromise your faith and stand for what is right. Look up! For your redemption in near!