No Lack




David writes that he has never seen the righteous forsaken nor their children begging for bread. We serve a God that amply supplies all our needs, in fact one of His names is “Jehovah Jireh”, meaning “The LORD will provide”. The rich young ruler made the mistake of thinking he would be in lack if he sold everything and followed Christ. Yet Jesus said that those who have left their land, house and family for His sake would receive a hundredfold in return – in this lifetime, in spite of persecution (Matthew 10:29-30). That means even when we are persecuted for His sake we will be fruitful! All that God requires of us is our trust and obedience. As we seek His Kingdom first, everything we need will be added to us.  God promises to meet your needs as you stay focused on Him. Rest assured that as you keep your eyes fixed on Him, and fully trust Him to keep His Word concerning you – as you walk in faith-filled obedience – everything you will ever need will be added to you!