No Limits!

God is All-Powerful. Nothing is impossible with Him. And He is most willing to perform His Word and move on our behalf. He can soften the hardest of hearts, and restore the most broken of relationships. Where there seems to be no hope, the Lord shines His light on His promises and reaches out His mighty hand to comfort, protect, and lead us to victory.

The Word says He always leads us in triumph in Christ Jesus. The only way we prevent the fullness of God’s power working in our lives is by believing a lie rather than the truth of His Word. Don’t grieve and limit God’s perfect will in and for us, by choosing to believe a lie over His Word.

The closer we remain in the Word, surrendering our hearts to His Holy Spirit, we allow Him to move. When we choose to trust and believe in Him and His willingness to change everything concerning us to align with His will, all limits are broken. Today choose to trust in, rely on, and cleave to Jesus; Who makes all things possible.