No More Procrastination

Procrastination is a time thief! If you keep putting off the things you know to do, using feeble excuses to justify your delay, you’ll miss out on a cycle of productivity that was designed to step you into blessing and increase. The conditions will never be ‘good enough to step into what God has called us to do; if they were, we wouldn’t require faith.

The trouble with procrastination is that it’s on the opposite scale of immediate obedience. Usually, the enthusiasm we have when we make a commitment in our hearts doesn’t match the enthusiasm we have when it’s time to step out and follow through with it. We can’t rely on feelings or circumstances to line up before we take action when God has clearly given us the instruction to go ahead. That’s because He always empowers and provides for whatever assignment He delegates.

Our active obedience in faith is what paves the way for circumstances to move in line with His plan. If we always consult how we feel before we step out in obedience, we’ll always find a reason to remain where we are. Procrastination keeps us ineffective and fruitless; where immediate, faith-filled obedience opens doors no man can shut!