One with God

Walking this earth, Jesus was completely in tune with, and dependent on His Father. He chose to do nothing apart from His Father’s approval or instruction. He beautifully demonstrated a unity that every born-again believer has been given the privilege to walk in. John 15:5 expresses that we can do nothing apart from Christ.

In the same manner Jesus was divinely connected to God, in that He didn’t do or say anything He didn’t see the Father already doing or saying – we likewise must be divinely connected to Christ! We have already been joined to Him by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17). Jesus kept His humanity parallel to His divinity. He came from God and was the Living Word on earth – and still depended on and obeyed every word from His Father. We are called to do the same.

We must maintain constant communion with the Lord, in prayer and in His Word. We must constantly and progressively desire to know everything there is to know about Him, and how to live inseparably connected to Him. As our dependency increases, our unity deepens, and we get to operate in the fullness of compassion, power, and authority Jesus operated in.