Our Covenant Keeping God

A proper military strategy is not to hide away from the enemy.  Armies are known to hide in wait to ambush their enemy, but never to hide in fear from them. When David found the Israelite army paralyzed in fear before the enemy, he was shocked at their misrepresentation of their God!  Goliath only had himself to depend on, but David had a covenant with the God of Israel. He was fully confident that God would give him the victory that day.  However, the soldiers around him lacked that same confidence.  If it wasn’t for David, the army of Israel would have suffered a great defeat at the hands of their enemies because of their lack of faith in their covenant with God.  Doubt and fear will easily move us to hold back or retreat instead of advancing in faith and laying a hold of what has already been promised us.  David’s confidence came from his personal experience of God’s protection and provision when he was alone in the field, taking care of his sheep.  He would spend hours in fellowship with the Lord, becoming fully acquainted with His ways.  When danger approached, he knew he could depend on God’s strength to stand and fight for the lives of the sheep that were under his care.  So, when it came to facing the giant – David regarded him as the same threat the lion and the bear were.  They were all trying to take what rightfully belonged to God’s covenant people. David knew His God and how to represent Him well.  Anytime we are faced with something that threatens to take away what God has said is rightfully ours because of our covenant with Him – stand your ground, just like David did, and refuse to back down until that threat is defeated through your faith in your covenant keeping God.