Overflowing and Consistent

Our peace and righteousness, in our new covenant with God, has been established as part of our inheritance.  However, we only walk in the reality of that inheritance through firstly, recognising it’s ours, and secondly, believing and receiving it by faith.  The only way faith is produced in our lives is through the attention we give to the truth of God’s Word. But not just the truth we believe, the truth we obey and act upon. Which is why the Bible says that faith without works, or the corresponding action, is dead (James 2:17).  The Bible says that when we delight in God’s Word, we become like a tree, planted by rivers of water. We will not fear when heat comes, nor be anxious in the year of drought (Jeremiah 17:8). When Christians complain about not being able to live in victory over sinful habits and addictions, it simply means they aren’t living in the reality of the righteousness that was already won for them on the cross. And when they constantly struggle with fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts, they are not walking in the peace that Jesus paid for them to posses. Only a renewed mind to the truth of God’s Word will cause what was won for us on that cross to become a reality in our lives. Once our minds are renewed to the truth, we begin to think in line with God’s thoughts, speak like He speaks and act just as He acts.  All those carnal habits and vices lose their grip and power over us as we simply give ourselves to the truth of God’s Word. Exchanging our carnal thoughts for the truth, allowing it to influence our words, attitudes, and actions completely transforms us! We won’t even recognise ourselves any more! Our lives will be marked with overflowing, consistent righteousness and peace!