Pay Attention

From the moment we were born-again, we were given a new nature – the nature of Christ.  Our inner-man possesses all the attributes and qualities of Jesus!  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our lives could reflect, through our attitudes and actions, what has happened on the inside of us?  According to the Word, they absolutely can!  Proverbs 23:7 tells us that whatever we think in our hearts, we become.  So even though our spirits have the perfect nature of God, that nature has to be carried through to the way we think in our hearts.  It’s one thing to have a passing thought that  flutters around in our minds and is soon forgotten, and an entirely different thing to have a thought that we pay serious attention to and make it a part of who we are.  Mark 4:23-25 puts great value in us being careful to pay attention to what we hear, because the measure of attention we give to it will be the measure it produces in our lives.  Now, the Word of God is essentially the mind of God.  It literally carries the living Spirit of His character. If we are feeding our thoughts on the Word of God and meditating on its truth, we are allowing His thoughts to move from the superficial level into the deep permanent level.  We begin to think His thoughts in our hearts.  As a result, we get to see His character influence our own.  When this becomes an established pattern in our lives, or a ‘set-in habit’ – real, substantial evidence of Who lives on the inside of us is displayed on the outside!