Positioned for Life!
The Amplified version uses the phrase, “…seek, aim at and strive after…”, the Kingdom of God. It’s essential for us to always treat God’s kingdom ways as our priority, above all else – because everything else flows from that place! God’s written word and His Holy Spirit within us provide us with all the practical wisdom we need to make the right choices in life. These choices lead us into a chain reaction of blessing and favour!
One of the mysteries of the Kingdom, is how everything falls into place (including the quality of time) when we seek God and His way of doing things first. Matthew 6 specifically emphasises the flow of material needs, and desires being met as a result of structuring our days and lives according to the will of God above our own. Really, it’s a way God has made for us to position ourselves to be the recipients of His extravagant generosity and abundance. His kingdom is by no means limited in all things good and He has made it very clear, throughout His Word that living in that abundance is our inheritance now! It’s an infinite abundance He desires to pour out on those who love Him, and love to obey Him.
Today, align your life to make God and His kingdom ways your highest priority, so you are positioned to receive His best. Do not miss out on allowing Him to be your source of life and all things good!