Positioned To Proclaim

Our responsibility as children of God is not to hide away in isolation but to boldly stand and publicly proclaim the truth we believe. God has not called us to be silent witnesses for His kingdom. The Bible says that when the disciples received power from the baptism of the Holy Ghost, great boldness came upon them and they were known as people who turned the world upside down – proclaiming the Gospel with signs and wonders following!

There is no such thing as a “private Christian”. Jesus died publicly so we must determine in our hearts to proclaim Him publicly! The scripture says the disciples went “everywhere” and preached. Nowhere was off limits for them – not when they were led and sent by the Spirit of God.

The world needs to hear the truth! As you step out in faith and allow the Spirit of God to fill you, He will keep His promise to confirm the word with signs, wonders, and miracles. Rejoice as you go out, because you are positioned to proclaim