Power in His Name

The Bible says the Name of the Lord is a strong tower. It’s something the righteous can run into and be safe (Proverbs 18:10). When we call on His Name in prayer, we call on His divine nature and the unique attributes of His power and might.

In Exodus 3:14, when Moses asked the Lord what Name would represent Him to the people, He answered: “I AM WHO I AM and WHAT I AM, and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE; and He said, ‘You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!’”(Exodus 3:14, AMPC). God made it very clear that whatever His people needed Him to be, He would be that, and He was. He was their Rescuer, their Provider, their Deliverer, their Healer, their Protector and so much more.

Today, God is the same covenant God He was then; and has given those who receive His Son an even better covenant, with better promises (Hebrews 7:22). We can confidently call on His glorious Name and boldly enter His throne room to receive grace in our time of need. You and I can call on the Name of the Lord and trust Him to be exactly Who He has promised to be.