
As children of God, spending time with the Lord in prayer is significant for our life here and now. Jesus called us to a life of prayer, marking it as vital for our personal walk with God. He said “when you pray” not “if you pray”! The early church had the most effective attitude towards prayer. They continued steadfastly in it. Another translation says they “devoted themselves” to prayer.

The Hebrew word for the phrase “devoted themselves” means to persist and to persevere in. In order to see signs, wonders and miracles the early church walked in, there must be a private dedication to prayer.

God promises to demonstrate His power through His children when we diligently align ourselves with His heart, walking sensitive and obedient to His leading. Our time in private prayer with Him positions us for this. Today, seek the Lord and He will reveal His heart to you – when you search for Him with all your heart.