Press On!

In the time Paul wrote this message to the Corinthian church, they were facing some gruelling times. They were being severely persecuted for their faith. Believers were living in fear for their lives, and many were deflecting from their faith. Many stopped believing because the pressure had become too great, and the temptation to give up was too overwhelming.

Paul spoke strong words of encouragement to them. He never denied the pressure or danger they were experiencing. Instead, he reminded them that the God Who was in them was greater than what they were facing. If they trusted in Him, they would not be crushed or suffer despair. He reminded them that God is faithful and would not forsake them or allow them to be destroyed. In the world today, it’s getting more and more difficult to live and stand for the truth of God’s Word.

The pressure is on and it will increase as the end draws near. Remember the words of Paul. We are not of those that draw back and give up. We are the righteous who press on. Trust in God, Who lives mightily inside you – He will not forsake or fail you. You will not be destroyed because in Him you will overcome.