Push Past Resistance
In Acts 17:6 the believers were recognized as those who were “turning the world upside down” in the towns they passed through. The moment they entered this town, they were dragged in front of the authorities as trouble makers because they were expected to live up to that reputation in this town too.
The believers were recognized by the works they were doing – undoing the work of the enemy, and setting people free to live for Jesus. Of course, this was bad news for those who exploited and gained from the misery and oppression of others. When we go about causing change through preaching and demonstrating the pure Word of God, resulting in signs, wonders and miracles, just like Jesus and His early followers did – we can expect the same reaction. Understand, we carry power and authority to enforce the devil’s defeat over people’s lives and it will not come without resistance.
Effectively living for Christ requires steadfast faith that pushes past resistance. True change and victory only comes by those who fearlessly and unapologetically stand for the truth of God’s Word. They relentlessly push back evil to see people set free and living the full life Jesus died for us to have. So make your stand today; push past resistance and be counted as one who follows Christ.