We don’t accept Jesus and the baptism of His Holy Spirit just to remain the same and look like those in the world, who do not know Him, or serve Him! We are set apart and called for a purpose, to shine the light of Jesus and demonstrate what living in God’s kingdom looks like! Our lives should be marked by 3 powerful things: 1) the love of God, which is poured into our hearts by His Holy Spirit; 2) the ability to stand strong on His Word with fearless faith and without wavering; 3) to constantly remain aware of His eminent return. When we live with these three things dominating our thoughts, words, and actions – it will be extremely difficult for the enemy to lure us off course or persuade us to abandon our walk of faith and serving the Lord.  In fact, when these three truths are foremost in our lives, we will experience the abundant flow of God’s supernatural life from the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39). The Bible warns us that as the day of His coming approaches, there will be a great falling away of the faith. People whose hearts are not fully devoted to the Lord and His Word will be caught up in great deception while being entangled in the affairs of this world.  As you pursue a closer walk with the Lord, spending more time in His Word and prayer, you will find His Holy Spirit strengthening and establishing the flow of His love in and through you – a love that never weakens or fails.  He will also increase your revelation of His Word as you give yourself to meditating on its truth – resulting in a confident, steadfast faith.  And as your expectancy for His return increases, you will determine to live a holy life, full of His purpose – knowing your days on this earth are numbered.  All three of these things will keep you spiritually awake and alert – and ready for His coming!