Live To Not Be Ashamed

Living with an eternal perspective is essential if we are going to successfully live out our Christian life. Paul emphasised the importance of running the race to win the prize. He was speaking about having a determined purpose to focus on what is essential to seeing God’s nature formed in our thoughts and behaviour, and building His kingdom while we are on this earth. That means our priorities, opinions, and habits need to shift focus off of the things of this world and onto the kingdom of Heaven, and how it operates.  That new focus must be directed to the Word of God. This is where we find His will, His opinions and His instructions. The more time we spend meditating on that, instead of the things of the world, a significant transformation takes place in our personal lives and perspectives. The Word of God is truth, life, and wisdom.  When it begins to penetrate and become firmly rooted in our hearts and minds, it produces a supernatural peace and confidence, and the way we live this life on earth begins to change. Whatever is not based on the Word of God, and is not aligned to the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be given a place of dominance in our lives. As God’s children, we live lives that are pleasing to Him by closely following His lead in all things. This is what really matters in life, and it’s what we will stand accountable for when we leave this earth. Nothing outside of this will count for anything. Begin living with an eternal perspective today so you don’t stand ashamed and full of sorrow for focusing on things that hold no true significance or value.