Reflecting the Glory

In Paul’s letters to the Church in Corinth, he explained that when Moses encountered God and received the law, he returned to the people with his face shinning brightly with the glory of God. The Bible says that the glory on Moses’ face began to fade, because it was a limited glory under an Old Covenant. Because of their unbelief and sinful state, it was too painful for the people to look at Moses’ shinning face. He had to cover his face with a veil to protect them from God’s glory. Now, because of the redemptive work of the cross, we are able to enter into a New and better Covenant with God. We don’t need to be protected from the glory – we are able to gaze upon it every time we look deeply into the Word. The Holy Spirit causes the veil of unbelief to be removed, as the word we believe comes alive inside us and begins to transform us! We see Jesus and the glory of His Person in the word, and we are changed to become just like Him. We become a reflection of the Father, of Jesus, and of His Holy Spirit!  That’s why, like Paul, we can share the gospel to others with boldness, because they don’t see us, they see Jesus shinning through us.