Refreshed and Revived by God’s Word

If you ever find yourself in a place where nothing seems to be working out for you, even though you have been faithful in your walk of faith, refuse to give into the temptation to quit! Keep standing firm on the truth of God’s Word! The Psalmist asks God to uphold him according to His promise, that he may live. That’s because God’s Word is everything to the believer. It is living and powerful, and the source of our hope, our peace, and our joy.  God’s Word is ready to go to work for us the moment it becomes revelation truth to our hearts, and we release it with our words of faith. God’s Word will always uphold the one who is faithful to embrace it and obey it. No one   who puts his absolute trust in God will ever be ashamed for doing so, because that hope is  sustained by the Word (Romans 10:11). Fix your mind on the Lord by upholding God’s promises in your thoughts, and only speaking in line with the spirit of His word. All of a sudden, you will find a fresh hope rise up inside you and an overwhelming peace wash over you. Let the word of God be your refuge as it refreshes your spirit and revives your soul.