Revival Fire

The Bible likens God to a consuming fire. It describes the eyes of the risen Jesus as a fiery flame. The fire of God isn’t just figurative, it’s very real. In the days of Elijah, God answered by sending literal fire from heaven; but John announced Jesus would baptise with a spiritual fire, through His Holy Spirit.

This is where our spirits are set ablaze with the spiritual fire of God, making us carriers of a holy fire. It continuously works within us, purifying and burning away what doesn’t resemble and reflect His nature; and filling us with a holy passion for Him, and the power to do His will.

This fire within us burns bright and reveals the true nature of God to the world. It flows from us, demonstrating and manifesting His love and power in signs, wonders, and miracles. This fire sparks revival across the nations, destroying the works of the enemy, and setting countless hearts ablaze with God’s eternal life. Welcome the fire of God today; ask the Holy Spirit to make it burn strong and true, so you become a carrier of God’s revival fire too.