Rich Evidence

The Psalmist says that those who meditate on God’s Word will bear fruit. Jesus confirms this truth by saying that unless His Word abides in us, we will have no evidence of our union with Him (John 15:3-5).  So, we can easily conclude that without God’s Word welcomed, received and acted upon in our lives, there will be no indication that we belong to Him.  This first Psalm, as well of Joshua1:8, give us a good idea of what this evidence or fruitfulness looks like. A life that is always vital, refreshed, prosperous and successful! Colossians 3:16 says that the Word of God should dwell in us richly! When it does, there’s no looking back!  David said he valued God’s Word more than precious gold, and when he acted on it’s wise ways, he succeeded in everything he put his hand to! Endeavour to treasure and value God’s Word in your life, make it the final authority over all you do. You will be amazed at how it goes to work in your life, enriching you in every way!