Set Apart

This passage conveys the powerful interaction between Jeremiah and the Lord. The Lord not only revealed He had plans for Jeremiah, but that He separated and set him apart to carry them out.  Did you know that you, like Jeremiah, have also been set apart? You have been called from before you were born to walk with God and know Him intimately.

He designed you to be a carrier of His Presence as you open your heart to be filled with His love and life. You were created to know His voice and follow His will to bring healing, peace, and joy to everyone you meet.  You were also created to walk in His authority and run the devil out of every place you go.  You were never made to be afraid, sick, poor, or without hope in this world.

You were set apart to walk in perfect love, divine health, and prosperity – to be a blessing to everyone, wherever you go.  Because of Jesus, His Word, and His Holy Spirit in you – you are already an over-comer, who doesn’t carry offence or bitterness and is successful and victorious over every challenge in this life. This is your true identity in Christ – remind yourself of this every day and you won’t allow the devil, your enemy to steal what you have been set apart to enjoy!