Set Your Focus on His Purpose

From a young age, Jesus focused on understanding and knowing His heavenly Father’s purpose for His life. He was always found in the temple, reading the ancient scrolls and having deep discussions with the leaders. He was determined to spend time reading the prophecies pertaining to all the things the Messiah would do and the purpose for doing them. Then one day, while in the temple, He was handed a scroll, and read a portion from Isaiah. It had His purpose laid out, clearly for all to see and hear (Mark 4:17-19).  Jesus’ life here was marked by the significant amount of time He spent being focused on the things that led and kept Him on the path of His destiny – even to His death, burial, and resurrection! We need to ask ourselves what we are focused on. If we are more concerned about our eternal purpose than just our natural existence, we must determine to spend more time in the things of the spirit than in the things pertaining to the flesh. What we can be sure of is that whatever our eyes engage in, the rest of our senses will follow suit. Whatever we give ourselves to will greatly influence and direct our path in this life. Jesus intently focused His attention on spending every moment of His life pleasing His Father.  He made it His business to know His will and walk in it. It was His purpose that kept His mind focused when He faced the cross and won the victory over our eternal destination. To not focus our lives on His will and purpose for us would be a disservice for all He accomplished for our  redemption. Spend time finding out who you are in Christ, what belongs to you, and what you have been created to do for Him. Set your focus on His purpose and your life will have eternal significance.