Settled in Heaven

The Word of God is active and powerful, and God is faithful to perform it. If you are standing in faith concerning something God has promised in His Word – meditate on that promise until you receive a revelation and conviction, through the Spirit of God, that the fulfilment of that promise is already yours.  That’s because faith is believing before we see the manifest reality of God’s promises. From the time we receive the conviction from our spirits that the promise is ours to the time it manifests in the natural, we must speak and act in a way that demonstrates our belief.  In other words, we don’t go around moping or complaining about our need not being met yet. No, we delight ourselves in the Lord and the truth of His Word until it is! That’s what God taught Abraham to do! In Romans 4:17 God explained the language of faith to Abraham when He said He calls those things which do not exist as though they do! This is the attitude of someone who is in faith!  The Word says it’s God’s will for us to act this way (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  Remember, when we decide to believe God at His Word we please Him, because we place our full trust in His faithfulness.  So, stand on His Word today see it settled in heaven and joyfully expect it to be manifest in your natural reality!