Spiritually Discerned

The Bible tells us we were created in the image and likeness of God. We are living spirits that are housed in physical bodies, and have a soul comprising of our intellect, will and emotions. E.W. Kenyon wrote that before sin, man’s spirit was the dominant force, and after sin his mind became dominant. That’s because sin dethroned the spirit and crowned the intellect. In spite of this, man still craves the touch of a living God. He is drawn to the supernatural because of his internal longing to be satisfied by God, and see His manifest power – even when he doesn’t realise it.  The answer to this craving is found in 3 supernatural events: The new birth, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the Name of Jesus! The empowering grace of God restores the spirit of man to its place of dominance, and when the child of God recognises that the realm of the spirit is his normal home, he begins to live in the realm of the supernatural without effort!  Mr Kenyon wrote that communion with God will be a normal experience, that faith in His miracle-working power will become a natural way of life! Sin has made us workers but God’s empowering grace has made us trusters! Yield to the Spirit of God and trust Him to reveal the privileges you have in Christ – things that have been revealed in His Word, but which we have failed to see because we tried to comprehend them with human reasoning, instead of our discerning spirits.