Stand Firm

The Bible tells us that if we faint in the day of adversity our strength is small (Proverbs 24:10). The good news is – that won’t be said of us!  As people of faith, we must recognise that our enemy, the devil, while being a very real adversary, is in truth a defeated foe!  His assignment is threefold, he seeks to kill, steal, and destroy every good thing the Lord has placed in our lives – if we give him the grounds to do it.  Paul instructs us to not be ignorant of the devil’s devices lest he gains an advantage over us. Understanding his schemes gives us a sure advantage over his advances.  The Bible clearly tells us to guard our hearts from any offence or un-forgiveness.  It says to refuse fearful thoughts or being anxious.  It teaches us to keep our eyes fixed on the truth of God’s Word, and our thoughts on things that are good, pure, and true.  All these principles, amongst others found in the word will give the devil no room in our lives and keep us strong and confident in our faith.  In spite of every threat he boasts, we are able to walk in a confident boldness and exercise our legal authority over him – keeping him in the place Jesus put him – under our feet. As we pursue knowing God and His ways more, we will become so supernaturally strong in the Lord, that in the end, we will be found standing firm.