Stay in Faith

Faith is vital to effectively live out God’s Kingdom way of life here and now! It is the very substance that causes the will of God to operate in our lives. From walking in our authority over the devil to enjoying every promise recorded in His Word, faith is the catalyst that brings the realm of the supernatural into our natural reality. Not having faith causes a believer to become ineffective in his walk with God and secures a life that is not pleasing to Him.

Every time we open the scriptures faith is required to trust the Holy Spirit to use them to transform us into the image of Jesus. When we pray without faith, the Bible says we can expect NO results. Even hearing and obeying the voice of God requires faith.

That’s why we must choose to fill our hearts and minds with the truth of God’s word so we can increase our faith and cause it to dominate our everyday lives, instead of allowing our natural senses to override and dictate the way we respond to circumstances. Living by faith not only empowers us for effectiveness, it gives us overwhelming victory. Choose to stay in the realm of faith today and watch what God will do!