Stay in Tune!
Did you know God hasn’t called us to just endure and survive life? He has called us to know what it is to live in Him, and experience life through Him. There’s not a moment in our day’s or night’s that He doesn’t want to be a part of. His Spirit has made His home in us and longs to lead us into victory and success in every area of our lives.
A life overtaken by the blessing of God is what we experience when we deliberately pay attention to His voice and put into practice what He says. We learn to do this by abiding in Jesus, which doesn’t come automatically to any believer. It’s a lifestyle of effort and discipline on our part. We must make the choice to daily spend time with the Lord in prayer and His Word. That’s because we live in a world where we are surrounded by ungodliness, and our own bodies and thought processes naturally pull towards its ways.
Unless we deliberately choose to spend time with God, our minds and bodies will give in to the pressures around us. So counter this pull by focusing on the Lord, surround yourself with His Word and you’ll always be in tune to hear His voice anytime, anywhere!