Strive to Enter into His Rest

Entering the rest that God provides, means living in a place of absolute peace and confidence in the Lord. It’s where our minds are in complete harmony with His thoughts and we know that whatever He has promised us, He will do.  God wanted the Israelites of old to be so convinced of His faithfulness and kindness towards them, that no matter what danger or threat they faced in the wilderness, they would not be shaken. Unfortunately, their lack of trust in the Lord’s faithfulness and trustworthy nature to protect, deliver, and provide for them, kept them in a state of unbelief. Instead of entering into His rest, they grumbled and continually complained, confessing that they would die in the wilderness and never enter the promised land. Their stubborn unbelief made them miserable and rebellious towards God who had proven His love and faithfulness towards them. As a result, everything they confessed in unbelief, they received (Numbers 14:28). That’s why the writer of Hebrews warns us to not be as foolish as those Israelites, but to rather strive to enter that place of God’s rest for ourselves. We must refuse unbelief that produces rebellion and fear, and instead keep our thoughts fixed on God’s promises and His trustworthy nature to see them fulfilled in our lives.