Stronger than before

There is a promise found in the Word of God when we are faced with situations that seem to diminish all the strength within us. God promises us renewed strength when we wait on Him. The Bible goes on to say that we will mount up on wings like an eagle, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). Learning to take time to block out all distractions and focus ourselves on His Presence that is within us, produces a flow of unstoppable grace directly from God’s Own Spirit into ours. That grace is a supernatural empowerment to keep moving forward in faith! An interesting fact about an eagle is its ability to soar at unusually high altitudes. At a particular time within its lifespan, an eagle goes into hiding, plucks out all its feathers, and breaks its beak in order for a new beak and feathers to grow out. This is done deliberately to increase the eagle’s durability and lifespan. In our time of waiting on the Lord, its as if we empty ourselves of ourselves to have Him fill us with a fresh surge of His Own wisdom, love, peace, joy and power. We are renewed with supernatural strength to carry on. Wait on the Lord, you’ll  move up further, faster and stronger than you were before.