Surrender for Greater

Surrendering our will to the Lord’s is a simple requirement that brings enormous results! The word ‘surrender’ can be defined as “submitting to authority”. Concerning our relationship with the Lord, it is us, deciding to lay down our own agenda, or way of doing something, and choosing to do what the Lord would have us do instead – always giving Him the final say. For some, that may seem like a sacrifice, but for those who really know Him, it’s a delightful privilege! Why? Because our surrender to Him and His ways always opens wonderful, miraculous doors in our lives, giving us access to favour, increase, and true riches that only the Lord can make available  to us!  True riches such as, wisdom, loyalty and a good reputation will take us further than we could ever take ourselves.  Surrendering to the Lord in all things is a sign of our dependence on Him.  Where we say, “Lord, I know who You are, and I trust You more than I trust myself, or my own abilities. I believe Your ways are far better than my own, and I choose to follow You.”  Once that becomes our set commitment, we purposefully spend time in fellowship with Him and His Word – trusting His Spirit to do exactly what He promises to do – direct our paths.  He will fill our thoughts with His thoughts, His desires and His ways, so that we can walk in them! Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”.  Today, choose to surrender to the God who created you with purpose.  As you fill yourself with His words and ways, you will soon walk in the paths He destined you to walk in – paths far greater and far more fulfilling than you could ever imagine walking in on your own!