Talk without Power

The Bible instructs us to not be conformed to this world but rather transformed by us renewing our minds to God’s way of thinking and doing.  Once we, as believers, apply ourselves to the process of transformation, we begin to take God’s Word as the final authority for our lives.  Real change always comes from the inside out!

The way we really think and what we really believe is what will ultimately be demonstrated in our lives.  If we really believed that God lives in us and that we can have His power flow from us whenever it’s needed, then signs, wonders and miracles would be a natural way of life for us. While we say God is our healer, unless we absolutely believe it, we won’t be healed.

While we say He is our protector unless it becomes our truth – we will keep living in fear; and while we profess He is our provider – unless we are convinced of it, we will always live in lack. The Bible reveals that all of creation is eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God; those who will demonstrate the reality of His Kingdom through unusual, and extraordinary signs, wonders and miracles! Until we really believe who His Word says we are – we will remain full of talk, with no demonstration of His living power.