Taste and See, the Lord is Good

Praise God for His Holy Spirit! Because of Him, we are able to discern God’s will by feeding on His Word, spending time with Him, and obeying His directions. Without Him we have no real purpose because He is our life.  In Hebrews 10 it says we are not only permitted to draw near to Him, but we can confidently enter the Most Holy Place, where He loves to meet with us. Each time we turn our affections towards Him, He responds by having His manifest presence well up from inside our spirits.  He wants us to know that He is fully committed to us, and promises to complete the good work He began in us (Philippians 1:6). Jesus demonstrated the intimate relationship we can have with Him and the Father, through the Spirit, when He walked the earth. Jesus said His meat was to do the will of His Father. That’s how much He loved Him. Obeying His Father sustained and satisfied Him.  It was never a chore or an unwanted sacrifice to lay down His will for His Father – it was His delight and His strength.  Something we are invited to experience for ourselves as we surrender our will for His.  In obeying Him, we too are nourished, strengthened, and satisfied.  Today, taste and see that the Lord is good – by making it your food to do His will.