Tell it Like it is!

A man born blind encountered Jesus and the impossible happened – he received his sight! Here was an man who  lived his entire life without the ability to see the ones he loved, or the beauty of the world around him. This was his normal, it was something he, and everyone who knew him had settled for – he was blind from the day he took his first breath, and would be blind until he breathed out his last. But then Jesus came into His life! How could he ever be the same again? But rather than celebrating this glorious miracle, the religious leaders interrogated him in a desperate attempt to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Jesus. Even in today’s world there are still those obsessing over side-tracking miracle-holders with cross-questioning.  If they could just poke a hole in the theory of God’s will and power to see all people healed and set free, they could justify their own disillusionment. We would do well to learn from this man who refused to enter into debate over his miracle! Just as he did, we must shrug off the cross-examination and sound out loud the truth and nothing but the truth. Clever debates and arguments will only distract you from living out your miracle with great joy. Let the evidence of God’s abounding goodness in your life speak loudly and clearly as you tell it as it is!