The Company You Keep

There’s a powerful key to protecting the progress we make in our walk towards spiritual maturity.  It has much to do with the company we choose to keep. The Word of God not only grows our faith, it develops good character too. Sadly, there are people who will try to undo the good work the Lord has already begun inside you. It’s been said, “show me your friends, and I will show you your destiny”.

You see, while good character is developed when we hear, and obey God’s principles; bad company erodes away at our resolve to continue to walk in God’s ways. Ultimately, it comes down to what we choose to expose ourselves to.  Hang around people who love the Lord and live to please Him, and you will remain steadfast in your pursuit to know and serve Him well.

Keep company with those who have no desire for the Lord, and even what you have will dwindle to nothing. God clearly instructed Adam and Eve to not eat the forbidden fruit, and they obeyed up until the moment they entertained the company of the enemy. He fed them his lies, and ultimately deceived them. In the end, the cost of hanging around him was more than they could bear. Make wise choices in who you spend time with. Feed your faith, so you can recognise and reject the deceit of the enemy – and enjoy a life of favour and purpose together with those who pursue the things of God.