The Greatest Gift

The gift of God to this world is eternal life in Christ Jesus. We receive this gift by confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord and by believing in our hearts that He was raised from the dead. Of all the gifts the Lord has given the world – this is the greatest, since all the others flow from it!  The writer of Hebrews tells us that we should not neglect “so great a salvation”. God has made this great gift available to every person on earth. The Bible tells us that He loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). This Christmas, whether or not we find gifts under the Christmas tree, we know they are only a reminder of the greatest gift of all.  The life we are able to have in Jesus is gloriously eternal! In accepting and receiving Him, we accept and receive His Own Spirit. While Jesus is God’s gift to a lost and dying world, His precious Holy Spirit is His gift to the church! The Bible says Jesus is the One who baptises us with fire!  And while we only receive this baptism once, we are able to receive countless in-fillings of His marvellous power (Ephesians 5:18). This Christmas, be sure to open your heart to receive a fresh in-filling of God’s greatest gift to the church – drink deep of the love, life, fire, and power of the precious Holy Spirit!